Tuesday, August 11, 2009

So far so good...

We did our embryo transfer (2) one week ago today. I wen to HFI this morning because I've had an allergic reaction to the oil that is mixed in with the progesterone for my dialy shots. I literally itch from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet!! I'm taking Benadryl now (I suffered for three days b/c I wasn't sure if I could/should take anything) and feeling much better. My skin is still red, but not nearly as itchy! Yay! So...since I there, they went a head and drew blood. My HCG level (hormone tested for pregnancy) is 132. This means pregnancy is taking place. Now we have to pray that the number keeps rising! I go back next Tuesday for more bloodwork and a possible ultra-sound. The ultra-sound will show if there is one sac or two! How awesome it would be to have TWINS!!! Keep lifting us up in prayer and check back soon! xoxoxo

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Transfer Date Confirmed!

We received a call from HFI!!!! We will be transferring our embryos on Tuesday at 11am so keep those prayers going! I will begin giving myself progesterone in oil shots daily this evening! Rob says he wants to practice so he can help...no, he won't be practicing on me! Can you imagine the bruises! Ha! ;) He will have to practice on oranges or a similar fruit with a spare needle and water! Until he is comfortable giving me shots, I will once again be a contortionist!

I will keep you all posted on the progress as I sit in bed for three days after the transfer!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Embryo Transfer

We are going to be transferring two embryos sometime between July 31st and August 4th so keep your fingers crossed and your prayers going! ;) Thanks for your continued support and well wishes! I go into the doctor Tuesday for an ultra-sound and bloodwork so I'll let you all know more soon! xoxoxoxo We're getting so anxious!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Latest Update...

Okay, so I went to the doctor again today to have bloodwork and an ultrasound done. Our target embryo transfer date is AUGUST 4th!! Keep us in your prayers! ;)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Gettin Hormonal...

:) I start my estrogen pills, patches, and progesterone in oil shots on Friday! That means that approx. 2 wks from Friday, we'll do the embryo transfer! Whoohoo!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Getting Ready for Embryo Transfer Number Two

As many of you know, there are always unexpected "bumps in the road." In short, my husband recently questioned whether or not he was in a place in his life where he should have another child. After talking it out for two weeks and speaking to family/friends/church, he decided that he couldn't be more excited about the opportunity to have a baby with me and it was only a temporary "Freak Out." What I don't want, is to bring a gift from God into the world for the wrong reasons. We have seen a counselor at the church and have gone to the Lord in prayer for two weeks now. We are both on board and ready to rock and roll with this embryo transfer!

I went to the doctor on Wednesday 07/08 and had a saline uteran ultra-sound (I think that is what they called it! Ha!). Dr. Gill wanted to make sure that I was okay and that I didn't have any problems physically. He says that he didn't want to waste any of our embryos, as they look really good (all four!). Everything looks good and Dr. Gill says everything "Is a go!" I was even given a shot to "get the ball rollin." I have continued taking my hormones and will return to the doctor tomorrow morning for another check up and blood work. We will know a more accurate date for the transfer of two of our embryos sometime this week. I will continue to keep you all posted so check back periodically for more updates! Thanks for all of the continued support and well wishes! Remember us in your prayers over the next 9 months! ;)

Friday, June 19, 2009

June 2009, started meds...

I have officially started the process to get my body ready for a July embryo transfer. In approximately six weeks, we will transfer TWO embryos. I am asking that you get the word out and start the prayers and send happy thoughts my way. ;) I will go in within a few weeks to be pricked and prodded with needles and have my uterus checked then we will schedule a day to come in for our second attempt at having a baby (or babies if God so chooses). I will keep you all posted on what is going on. I am both anxious and nervous...

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Getting Anxious...

I'm counting down the days until we can "try" again...Please start your prayer circles, as we are aiming for a July embryo transfer. I will begin my regular check-ups (more needles and blood drawn) in June and will let you know when the big day is scheduled.